
About our office

We will promptly be able to deal with any kind of visa problem. We aim to treat all our clients with the upmost courtesy. We speak simply and slowly so that foreigners can easily understand, so please feel free to call us. We will act swiftly after carefully listening to your query. We can deal with matters such as international marriage, certifying documents, official stamps and passports.

immigration lawyer yokohama

Contact form is here.




Extending Period of stay
Change of Status of Residence
Certificate of Eligibility for Status of Residence
Permission for Permanent residence
Re-entry permit
Permission to engage in an activity other than that permitted by the status of residence previously granted
Certificate of Authorized Employment
Short stay


We appear in the Hiragana Times!


The Hiragana Times is the famous magazine well known by foreign residents in Japan.

It is available in public libraries, universities and bookstore in all parts of Japan.

The details of the Hiragana Times are here.

The introduction of our office is here.





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